- Brother Will Hairston The Alabama Bus, Parts 1 & 2
- Bob Starr The Jail House King
- Johnie Lewis I Got To Climb A High Mountain
- The Hewlett Sisters What Manner Of Man
- Otis Spann Hotel Lorraine
- Julius Cheeks & The Four Knights Where Do I Go From Here
- “Little” Mack Simmons
- Big Maybelle Heaven Will Welcome You Dr. King
- The Loving Sisters` Tribute To Dr. King
- Ethel Davenport Free At Last
- Big Joe Williams The Death Of Dr. Martin Luther King
- Tom Shaw Martin Luther King
- Robert Chatman Ballad Of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The Norfleet Bros. We All Praise Him
- The Southerners Tragic Story
- Nina Simone Why (The King Of Love Is Dead)
- Earl Gaines Our Friend Is Gone
- Shirley Wahls We’ve Got To Keep On Movin’ On
- Bill Spivery And The Sons Of Truth The Non-Violent Man
- Charlie Jackson Something To Think About
- Thomas Walton & The Blind Disciples Ode To Martin Luther King
- Elizabeth D. Williams Sleep On Doctor King, Sleep On